jeudi 30 juin 2011

Home not so sweet Home

Sooooo this is it. My one year trip has ended June 15th 2011. Got back to Montreal. Not feeling so good about it. "Not so good" is an understatement. I lost all motivation, energy. I just wanna leave again, ASAP. I wake up every morning feeling low low low. Cry randomly. Maybe its time to see a psy? I don't know. But I need to get the hell out before I go nutso. I need spaces and empty fields, big forests and mountains and the ocean. I'm thinking Vancouver? God I hate this feeling. Its like there's huge pressure on my shoulders that I can't take off. I can barely get out of bed in the morning. I take my guitar and play and sing, then I feel like a fucking idiot with no talents at all and I wonder why I even try.

That's low isn't it? What am I doing, where am I going?? I have no more money (but okay the trip was SO worth it). I'm happy to see my family and friends tho, don't get me wrong.

I know some days I will feel better and positive and wawawa. But as of right now I can't see light. I miss the West, I miss my girls and Zach. I miss being free, by myself. Yesterday I went to Jazz festival with a friend and I was watching the bands and singers and musicians and it was just clear in my head that THIS is what I wanna do. nothing else. I don't know where to start and right now if I might be harsh to myself I just feel like a fucking LOSER. I'm probably the World's Least Confident Person. I owned this title. I'm crazy. Tomorrow I might have a YEAH I'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD NOTHING CAN STOP ME moment, and then BOOM, back to the worst state of  "I'm a bum, kill me". Jesus.

I think that writing those words gives me a little "come on Kate ur better than that" motivation. I CAN DO THIS. Okay. Just, get your shit together. See? I'm nuts already.

But fuck it. I have the right to complain and be down. Today I feel fat, ugly, stupid, horrible, dumb and gross. Hopefully tomorow will be a brighter day.
Sorry I took so long to post. (More sorry to myself, since this was a test at commitment) bbbbbllllaaaaahhhhhhh I hate shortening words with letters but today is FML day. YA. FMFL. fuck my fucking life.

I needed to vent.

Love, Catherine. xxxx